Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Self-Visualization Project Write-up

After reading over the description of the project, it took me a while to figure out how to describe myself in so many words, let alone find a picture to begin with. I am still not exactly sure which direction I am going to take with this project, but after answering some o the questions I have a better idea of what approach to use. The one thing that I strive for is happiness and to be positive. I believe that there is always a positive side to every situation, no matter how troublesome it seems. Every day I remind myself of how lucky for numerous reasons. I was raised to look at the glass half full, and that is what I pride myself with every day. We only have one life to live, so why not be happy and make the most of it. Some things that I enjoy are being with my friends and family, listening to music, autumn, good food, reading, drawing and painting, and exercising. If I ever need to de-stress, I can turn to these to help me calm down. I am not always happy with my physical attributes and a day to day basis. Some days I am harsher on myself than others. When I catch myself comparing myself to others, I have to be reminded of the fact that everyone is different and everyone has their own strife’s. One physical aspect that is important is my smile, because I would not be myself without it. For the pictures I will try and combine all of these important attributes about myself and make an aesthetic project

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